Agricultural plaster - Calcium sulfate

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Calcium sulfate

It brings calcium and sulfur to plants.

Calcium sulfate in several granulometries:

  • 0-10 mm
  • 0-3 mm
  • 0-1 mm
  • 100 microns


  • 20 kg bag
  • Big Bag of 1,000 kg
  • Complete 50 kg bag
  • Complete 48 bags of 25 kg (100 microns)
  • In bulk under consultation

It is a soil improver for cultivation, such as fertilizer, amendment and economic soil conditioner.

General Product Description

Agricultural plaster, or calcium sulfate, is a technical mineral that improves soil structure and provides calcium and sulfur, key nutrients for the development of plants. Its action also corrects the salinity of the soils, improving its permeability and facilitating the growth of deep roots.

Differences between granulometries and recommended uses

0-10 mm granulometry

Description: Larger particle size, slowly released from nutrients.
Recommended uses: Ideal for soils that require prolonged treatment. Perfect for long cycle crops or clay soils that need a gradual structural improvement.

0-3 mm granulometry

Description: Intermediate size that provides a moderate release of nutrients.
Recommended uses: Versatile for various crops. Suitable for soils with moderate salinity correction needs or those that seek an improvement both in the short and long term.

0-1 mm granulometry

Description: Fine size that offers a rapid release of nutrients.
Recommended uses: Perfect for rapid corrections in soils or short cycle crops. Ideal for situations that require immediate soil improvement, such as nurseries or intensive crops.

Granulometry 100 microns

Description: Ultrafine size that offers an ultra -grape release of nutrients.
Recommended uses: Perfect for rehabilitation of sodium soils, very fast corrections in soils or short cycle crops. Ideal for situations that require immediate soil improvement, such as nurseries or intensive crops.

Ideal time of application

He Agricultural plaster It can be applied throughout the year, but the optimal times of application are usually:

  1. Autumn: Right after harvesting, to prepare the floor for the next season. The autumnal application helps improve soil structure during the coldest months, ensuring that it is in optimal conditions for spring planting.
  2. Spring: Before planting or at the beginning of the growth season, when plants demand an adequate supply of calcium and sulfur. Applying it in spring also ensures that nutrients are available during active growth of plants.
  3. In arid areas or saline soils: The application can be particularly useful before rainy seasons, to maximize water penetration and facilitate sodium displacement in salinized soils.

Form of application

  1. Superficial application: The agricultural plaster must be spread evenly on the ground. Depending on granulometry, it is advisable to use a fertilizer spreading machine to ensure a homogeneous distribution.
  2. Incorporation to the ground: To obtain better results, especially with larger granulometries (0-10 mm), it is recommended to incorporate the plaster to the ground by slight or plow. This ensures that nutrients penetrate more deeply and mix better with the substrate.
  3. Posterior irrigation: After application, especially in dry climates, it is ideal to apply moderate irrigation. Water facilitates the dissolution and distribution of calcium sulfate in the soil, accelerating its action.
  4. Application in direct sowing or grasslands: In these cases, the plaster can be applied directly to the surface without tillage, and it will be rain or irrigation water that is responsible for bringing the product to the deepest layers of the soil.

Benefits of agricultural plaster (calcium sulfate)

  • Improve the soil structure: Promotes aeration and reduces compaction.
  • ESSENTIAL NUTRIENT SUPPLY: It provides calcium and sulfur, necessary for the optimal growth of plants.
  • Salinity correction: It helps to move the sodium of saline soils, improving the quality of the land.
  • Improve water infiltration: It promotes greater water penetration in the soil, reducing problems of runoff and erosion.

Advantages Agricultural Calcium Sulfate

- 100% natural product

- Economic

- Easy application

Chemical formula

CA (SO4) • 2H2O

Physical status: Powder granulated

Cas number: 10101-41-4

Color: grayish white


* Consult minimal bulk request. Price per ton.

¿Cuanto material necesitas?

¿Cuanto material necesitas?

+ info

Longitud de una superficie rectangular que quieras cubrir. Puedes indicar también directamente el área.

+ info

Anchura de una superficie rectangular que quieras cubrir. Puedes indicar también directamente el área.

Si conoces el área, puedes ingresarla directamente en metros cuadrados. Si no, el área se calculará automáticamente con el largo y el ancho.

+ info

Profundidad de la capa de material deseada en centímetros. No se recomienda una capa inferior a 5 cm.

+ info

Selecciona el tipo de material para calcular la densidad en kg/m³.


How much stone do I need?

How much stone do I need for the ground?

For shot and gravel song:
• ± 80kg per m², based on a 5cm layer.*For granulometries> 32mm a thicker layer is necessary.• Saca consumption: 1000kg = 0.625m³.
• Covering capacity: ± 12.5m² with a layer of 5 cm.

For pine cortex:
• ± 70L per m², based on a 5cm layer.
• Saca consumption: 1000L = ± 1m³ = ± 600kg
• Covering capacity: ± 14m² with a layer of 5 cm.

For volcanic, slate and chamota:
• ± 50kg per m², based on a 5cm layer.
• Saca consumption: 1000kg = ± 1m³
• Covering capacity: ± 20m² with a layer of 5 cm

How much stone do I need to fill a gabion?

Density of ± 1,650kg by 1m³.

The calculation is very simple to understand with an example, if you have a 100x50x30 cm gav. You have to make the following accounts:
1x0.5x0,3 = 0.15m³
0.15x1,650 = 247.50kg. stone.
*It is always good to calculate an extra 5%, since the gavions when filling them are a little and always enters some more stone than in the theoretical calculations.



Granulometries are sizes of sizes

Real sizes can vary slightly, since when talking, for example, 60-80mm stone, it means that the stones pass through a square mesh of 80x80mm. and do not go through a 60x60mm.
This 80x80 mesh can pass a 100mm stone. long and 65mm. wide so there may be a percentage of stones greater than 80 and less than 60mm.

Broken stones

On the other hand, in the stones of more than 60mm. There is a percentage of up to 10% stones that can be broken during classification, washing, loading and downloading, today we have no machinery that avoids those breaks.

In the photos you can see, only real products are seen, broken pieces have been removed.

Dust and sand in products

This product is not washed, so it contains dust, sand and even traces of other products due to processing and transport. This is not a problem when using it; The stone will be washed alone over time or can throw water before using it.