Dry plague how to combat it

The "sica" is a pest that affects trees, causing root rot, preventing the absorption of water and minerals from the soil, causing the death of trees, from fruit trees to forest trees.

In this article, we will seek to better understand how this pest has affected trees, especially in southern Spain, and how we can avoid it.

1. Describe the dry disease and how it affects trees such as the oak

Dry disease, also known as sequeiro or sequeiro cork oak, is a fungal disease (Phytophthora fungus) that mainly affects oak and cork oak trees, but can also affect oaks and fruit trees. This disease is characterized by the presence of black spots on the leaves and branches, which causes the trees to lose their foliage and become unstable. The cause of this disease is the fungus called Phytophthora cinnamomi, which thrives in humid and hot conditions.

2. The cork oak and the oak.

The cork oak and the oak are two trees that are very susceptible to the dry disease. The most common symptoms of this disease include black spots on the leaves, delayed growth, reduced flowering, small fruits, and premature leaf drop. In advanced cases, trees can die completely. These symptoms are more common in young or weak trees due to the lack of natural defenses.

3. How dry disease can be mitigated or solved by applying agricultural gypsum, calcium carbonate or dolomite

Agricultural gypsum can be used to reduce the effects of dry disease. Gypsum helps balance soil pH, thereby improving soil conditions to allow nutrients to be absorbed by tree roots. This reduces stress caused by drought and improves conditions to prevent or reduce infestation of the fungus Phytophthora cinnamomi.

Calcium carbonate also helps control the growth of the fungus Phytophthora cinnamomi, reducing the risk of infestation by the fungus.

4. Detail how these agricultural amendments are applied to cure the dry disease.

This mixture can be placed around the trunk of the affected tree or sprinkled on the soil around the trunk to allow nutrients to reach the roots. These agricultural amendments help balance soil pH and enable healthy, vigorous growth of drought-affected trees.

5. Tips to prevent dry disease.

To prevent infestation by the fungus Phytophthora cinnamomi, it is important to maintain good control of soil moisture around trees affected by this disease. It is recommended to water sparingly to avoid excess moisture and allow the soil to dry between waterings to prevent excessive development of the fungus. It is also important to maintain good control of vegetative growth through regular pruning to remove dead or weak branches and improve the flow of water and nutrients within the tree.

6. The importance of surveillance and disease control.

It is essential to constantly monitor trees affected by this disease to detect any early signs of infestation by the fungus Phytophthora cinnamomi before it spreads too far and causes irreversible damage to the tree.

“Dry” is a plague or disease that has affected rural communities around the world for centuries. Despite technological advances, the “dry” continues to be a threat to many trees. It is important that we, as a society, work together to combat this plague and address its devastating effects.
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