Can dolomite lime be applied foliarly?
Dolomite lime is a mineral that contains both calcium carbonate and magnesium. It is typically applied to soil to neutralize acidity and provide these essential nutrients for plants. It also helps improve soil structure and increase the availability of certain nutrients.
As for foliar application of dolomite lime, it is technically possible but it is not the most effective or recommended way to use this product. Here are the reasons:
Solubility : Dolomite lime has a low solubility in water, meaning it will not dissolve completely. This can cause problems with spraying and can cause physical damage to plant leaves.
Absorption : The main nutrients in dolomite lime, calcium and magnesium, are most efficiently absorbed by plants through the roots rather than the leaves. This means you probably won't get as much benefit from a foliar application compared to a soil application.
pH Effect : Dolomite lime is commonly used to neutralize acidic soils. This effect would not be achieved with a foliar application.
Therefore, although it is possible to spray dolomite lime on plant leaves, it is not the most effective method of providing plants with the nutrients they need and can even be harmful in some cases. It would be more beneficial for your client to apply dolomite lime directly to the soil based on the specific needs of their garden or field.